<h2 class="page-title1" style="line-height: 1.3em;"><span style="font-size: 46px; ">PowerUP</span> for Women</h2>

I am passionate about helping women and girls achieve their potential. Throughout my professional life I’ve helped them stand up for themselves – to be seen, heard, and taken seriously.  I’ve coached them to claim themselves – their talents, worth, and agency.

What do I mean by “agency?”

Agency is about being able to have an impact, be influential, and to fully claim your place in the world.

Agency is about discovering the ability to make things happen!

My work has taken various forms, including nearly fifteen years as a senior administrator at the oldest women’s college in the world and running leadership programs for women and girls.

I’ve also led workshops at the Weissman Center for Leadership at Mount Holyoke College; spoken at international conferences on women’s education; and lectured at national conferences on topics such as women’s styles of leadership and combating gender bias in the workplace.

<h2 class="page-title1" style="color: #333; font-weight: lighter; ">Samples of Keynotes and Workshops for Women:</h2>
  • Find Your Fuel – Connect to Your Passion and Power

For women who want to make more money, do more good, or both

  • Afraid of Presenting? Get Over It!

For women who want to get farther faster

  • Develop a Commanding Presence

For women who want to be seen, heard, and taken seriously

  • Claim Yourself! (In a World that Demands You Please Everyone Else)

For women of all ages who would prefer not to be doormats

  • How to Grow and Glow In Your Third Act

A warm and witty guide for women aging gracefully

  • Women’s Minds Matter: Shape Your Mind, Shape Your Life.

Sisters! Here’s an inspirational workshop to equip you to grab hold of your unique purpose and power.  Patricia will share The Recipe for claiming yourself, your worth, and your joy.

“I believe in the “ageless women’s network” and would be thrilled to make you part of mine.”

— Patricia Vandenberg

<h2 class="page-title1" style="color: #333; font-weight: lighter; "><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->Testimonials</h2>

“Patricia has been a role model for women and for communication professionals.  She has inspired many of us to approach our work with courage and a belief in ourselves. You’d be lucky to have a chance to work with her.”

Lisa Lapin

Vice President, J. Paul Getty Museum

“Patricia Vandenberg is passionately committed to advancing opportunity for women and girls. Having worked directly with Patricia, I’ve experienced her inspiring women and girls of a wide range of backgrounds and ages.  Through workshops, speeches, and leadership programs she challenges us to claim ourselves and our talents and to use our gifts to make the world a better place.”

Sarah Grolnic-McClurg

Principal, Pounce-PR

“Patricia has long been an ardent supporter of women and girls.  She presents the case for women’s empowerment and education with passion, clarity, and conviction. She is an inspiration to the women and girls who have the opportunity to hear her speak or take her workshops.”

MaryAnne Young

Vice President Advancement and Executive Director , New College Foundation

<h2 class="page-title1" style="color: #333; font-weight: lighter; ">Download Patricia's Speaker One-Sheet for Women</h2>